Confidential to Greg
I just found your uncle he lives in Chicago now.
You are welcome to live with him and his life partner, call him collect and he will send you money bus tickets, etc., or even come get you.
If you are in his old neighborhood go to Sandy's, two houses up from his old one. Sandy's is the house with the white lattice work on the porch and stay with her. She is expecting you.
I resent all the vital Information I found general delivery (held at the post office, addressed to you) If you are no longer there look him up in the Chicago Phone directory. I sent this info to your house and it was returned and marked refused. (not in your handwriting)
Good Luck! Best Rich
A follow-up December, 2006
Thankfully, all ended well in this case all the parties found one another and even Greg's Mom had the courage to get to a battered woman's shelter. I wish everyone the best in their new lives. Rich
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