From an Online Web page titled something Like "Lightning and Tesla?"
Well now, the Picture thoughts old well healed autistic like me talk about , are very same things Tesla are quoted about here (below). Many of us CAN and DO control our picture thoughts as we learned our entire Autism course by happenstance in the glory days of Autism long before it was a buzzword and a group home ideal. Autism is just the long hand version of normal human thought and nothing more. Autism is BOTH mr/dd and Einstein and for sure lost psychology professionals blindsided by their own bliss. Autism figured out is the next 1000 chapters in psychology and since only a few of us odd balls have figured out the human mind there is little chance the self elected experts of Psychology will do the same. The thought process we discovered complete Picutre thought has never been in a text book yet and so far you only know our inventions mostly. While Tesla knew the power of Picture Thoughts for inventions,like the rest of us he eventually learned the AWESOME power of human stupidity and mass ignorance as like many of us from Di Vinci to Einstein know our good ideas are simply too good and too bold and too different to be even thought twice about by the normal thinker. 98% of the normal world simply floats by the normal human as he-she is bliss about the whole topic of human mind and how it really works.
Normal Psychology raves about Temple Grandin's Thinking in Pictures and autism pays it a lot of lip service but , if Psychology really knew what we knew, the Temple Grandin bit is just very basic autism. If this were a perfect world Psychology could work with those picture thoughts and copy what we did, take them to the threshold of Normal thoughts. Honestly autism is not all that complicated just we are the only ones to have figured it out and trust me the autism or the thoughts that make Autism grow into normal thoughts have ever been in a text book before. This inside thought is the vital key to man and his mind. While Tesla was doing Inventions with his picture thoughts they can do anything with the proper training . They can even FORM normal thoughts like you use. Again these are building block thoughts of the mind. YOur OWN mind uses these very picture thoughts all the time and you never even know it- unless of course your stuck on something and then forced to say I can Picutre him her or it but can place the name.
The mind is so,oooooo simple that even normal thinkers will be blowen away upon the discovery and after that when we look in the mirror that cave person image will be all too close and way to obvious as we ask 'Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all'.
I know its impossible to get anyone in peer reviewed psychology to even own up to us but they are indeed missing the nitty gritty facts of the mind and how it really operates. The shocking truth is Einstein, Tesla and Turing among others were just doing caveperson 101 and using our natural human picture thoughts to actually think with. Wild,bold and beautiful comes from our minds (as they could from yours too) as we properly use the brain capacity humans have and picture think with something like your day dreams as our default thought process. If you ever explained a dream to some one you know the detail you missed and could not get in the conversation? Clarify that daydream thought and refine it and you then have perfect picture thoughts! All of these thoughts take place during the lack of eye contact a time the autistc kid display no eye contact in autism. It is nothing to worry about we will grow out of it, if allowed to do so. But contemporary autism is all hung up on the idea and totally missed the point to the very basic autism our minds are doing. Picutre thought during the lack of eye contact, once figured out amazingly yields NORMAL thoughts just like you use. These thought are below 123 and the ABC's. We learned Autism- genuis on our own by trail and error, Modern Contemporary Autism people usually don't have a chance to thrive as they are diagnosed for a start and today that is the worst part of autism as With anything too big and too "professional" the entire point to autism was lost ,forever hidden and now exploited to the point of no return byRain Man Era Autism that speaks but has no intention of listening.
Again All of these keen thoughts ,insight All take place during the lack of eye contact and like Tesla he had to run his hand in front of his eyes to see if the vision was real optic vision or Brain Generated or daydream based. This is the key to Autism, and psychology doesn't even realize our optic vision is is switched with brain generated images we think with.
Keep in mind, the strange odd balls like us do the real inventions in life mainly since we have the insight of a deeper kind of human thought system to tapp into. ALL human have the SAME deep thoughts but normal thinkers only use a short cutted version of them also known as normal thoughts thus the world unknowingly reflects the very ignorance we claim as human we can't see. Speaking of Strange Inventors look for my Turing Motor really soon! You use Turing's Computer 'everyday' perhaps some day you will drive a Turing motor equipped car and help save mother earth with its green footprint.
From the Web! "Stumble Upon"
An Old World Childhood
As a youth, Tesla exhibited a peculiar trait that he considered the basis of all his invention. He had an abnormal ability, usually involuntary, to visualize scenes, people, and things so vividly that he was sometimes unsure of what was real and what imaginary. Strong flashes of light often accompanied these images. Tormented, he would move his hand in front of his eyes to determine whether the objects were simply in his mind or outside. He considered the strange ability an affliction at first, but for an inventor it could be a gift.
Tesla wrote of these phenomena and of his efforts to find an explanation for them, since no psychologist or physiologist was ever able to help him. "The theory I have formulated," he wrote much later, is that the images were the result of a reflex action from the brain on the retina under great excitation. They certainly were not hallucinations, for in other respects I was normal and composed. To give an idea of my distress, suppose that I had witnessed a funeral or some such nerve-wracking spectacle. Then, inevitably, in the stillness of the night, a vivid picture of the scene would thrust itself before my eyes and persist despite all my efforts to banish it. Sometimes it would even remain fixed in space though I pushed my hand through it. (Tesla, My inventions: My early life. Electrical Experimenter; February 1919)
Rich Shull on the Blog Pre Rain Man Autism
Labels: Autism Revisited, picture thoughts, politics and reality, Turing Motor, Verbal Talking Autism