Pre Rain Man Autism

Figured out Autism is the next 1000 chapters in psychology. Once we learn the picture thoughts that happen during the lack of eye contact, normal thoughts result. We build on the work of Temple Grandin and we missed Rain Man 's curse. Autism Is BOTH mrdd and Einstein and even social functioning people

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Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Inventor of The Turing Motor a 70% efficient green triple hybird autstically designed car motor. There are at least 200 more Autisitc people like me, that function very well and modern autism will not own up to us. We connect MR/DD to Einstein and real life. We missed Rain Man's curse (thankfully) The Turing Motor is Green has no up and down moving parts and will get a reasonable car 90 MPG. It is the motor Ford and Mercedes would have built if they understood their own. It is Autistic Obession and splinter skills all figured out!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Philosophy's missing link

All the great thinkers past and present have been missing the key to Philosophy ever since the dawn of time. Their motivation, their urge to discover and explore have been spot on and their hearts have been in the right place BUT, no one has really seen heard and lived the building block thoughts of the mind ,like we have (old High functioning autism people) . Man's mnd is nothing more than a primitive talking photo album A.K.A. as Autism's Picture thoughts. Man has no idea his thoughts are just a small sliver of flowing autism thoughts. Autism thoughts are not 'retard' they are genius. It takes many autistic people (Einstein for example)  years to figure out the code.  These deep internal picture thoughts range from mental retardation (well they present like that) to Einstein  and once figured out , as we discovered a small ,small sliver of them constitute normal thought. Yes, mankind only uses a small section of his brain to streamline the deep complicated slow thoughts that make the normal thoughts work. No one could function, if we were all just autisitc thinkers and didn't have normal thoughts for shortcuts.

When we think (all humans) there are hundreds of photo thoughts playing in the subsurface of the mind all the time. These thoughts do everything to make us talk to streamline our thoughts and with the aid of emotions-super short cuts. Even  eye contact is another normal mind short cut.  Unknowingly man has short handed and short changed the real deep human thought process over the years so we could become social, with a thought system we don't know we use ;and then call our selves smart in the vein of ignorance personified.

Autism people like me grew up and learned the building block thoughts of the mind by happenstance. They have never been in a text book before nor has our experience of coming up from the bottom of the gene pool learning our one-by-one sub thoughts that told us (and all humans) how to talk, listen ,feel , and yes even think. Humans don't actually think we are not super smart and that is why we have never figured out our  own mindset. Even when we do figure out our mind it will not be a marvel of intelligence but rather big talking photo album that builds from birth.  Autism is the vital missing link in figuring out the rest of psychology. The chore we did, growing up in special education and being tutored all the time led us to  discover Man's thinking roots. How many of the best of researchers have done this journey up from the bottom of the gene pool and went from Retard to genius?  Autism today, is a buzzword and farce  courtesy of Rain Man  movie antics and now we have to deal with the Autism hoopla that the so called experts of autism have invented. In reality too many people like me have absently learned and discovered the deep real thoughts (it took us 30 years ,lots of the time) that take us from stupid jerk , MR/DD retard to Einstein. Man has never known or knowingly experienced the code to his mind and as such missed all the nitty gritty details that  make our mind work. Trust me the mind is such a disappointment it is not smart, innovative or capable of more than 'computer screen' displaying our picture thoughts.

One KEY to the mind never exposed yet is the ideal our OPTIC VISION is regularly turned OFF and our Brains look at and decode and add more picture thoughts to our cashe and then turn our OPTIC VISION back on and we never even know our OPTIC Vision was even off . We don't even know what we present thought wise and socially is just the end result of our internal picture thought system.   The hundreds of thoughts below the surface of the mind are all there usually never seen and thus never discovered . Bits and pieces of these thoughts compile to from a stream lined thought we know as a normal thought.  Once they are exposed man's simple mind will be exposed and we we all will be very humbled to discover were are the very idiot we think we are not. When an autistic person is displaying the lack of eye contact our Optic vision is OFF and our minds are looking at a brain generated thoughts. We often don't know our optic vision is  even off. Normal humans function the same way only they are so good at things they don't need the picture thoughts we did while we learned our autism thought. These autism thoughts were naturally ready to use for most of the normal population.  You never dreamed you were autistic ,did you?

Here is an example of our real human thought system EXPOSED. Keep in mind, the picture thoughts described are the very same picture thought that made the Rain Man movie character be able to read the phone book and the same type of deep picture thoughts made the innovation of Tesla, Turing (father of the computer) and Einstein reality. Also keep in mind many of us including the before mentioned were all starting out life dumb and at least ,the oddest strangest kids in the class, in the days before autism diagnosis being common as mud. We were just inadvertently learning  the deep human thought code.

Here is your our human thought

You are going along have a chat with someone. Suddenly your stumped. You must stop the conversation. You say" I can picture him but can't place the name."   Then your OPTIC vision is OFF as you look at a minds eye picture of "him" . Eventually you discover that is Uncle Joe. You either continue the conversation and say that is Uncle Joe, as your Optic Vision is turned back on  or you bluff it off and say "What's his name" said this .  Our Optic nerve seems to be a flipper valve that connects our picture thoughts  both internal and external.  Have you ever heard of that before? It points to how backward the mind really is . It point back down the scale of evolution as well.

It is reality ,hidden in pain sight. Our normal short thoughts that make us normal just by evolution  type of things are never even seen or exposed unless we are stumped on something. There are 1000's of Uncle Joe pictures  playing below the surface of the mind all the time and we take bits of each thought and look at it and translate it. If you noticed the Uncle Joe thought you seen in your minds eye, was VERY VERY  detailed and you could if you looked at the minds eye thought real close you could tell the color of his eyes , What he was wearing every detail of the minds eye photo you mind stored of him some years ago. Since you never talk of Uncle Joe  he was put in the deep places of the storage part of the mind and thus not easily accessible for normal conversation.

That SAME deep thought that told you Joe's Eye color or how many zits he had is the SAME detail that makes me Einstein . That DEEEEEEEP detail thought is the essence of Einstein. Human knowledge is right there in those thoughts most people never even know. Once these thoughts are exposed all humans will some day be able to be schooled in the real one-by-one thoughts that really make us work. When autism people like me, started school we started out below 123 and the ABC's  Every human  could be  Einstein! Almost every human  in the grips of MR/DD special education will be able to thrive when the rest of the mind is mapped and future psychologist can assure the proper 'switches were flipped'. Everything from Dyslexia to Stuttering to personality issues to perfectly normal will all fit in the map of he mind ,once we get it published. When all segments of the picture thought system are known and exposed and learned Man will have figured out his mind - and not a moment too soon.  Read and know the picture thoughts and you will know your mind. Still be warned it is not at all, special and will point to our cave person roots and even worse prove were not all that far removed from the caveperson. (yabba dadda doo - referance to the Flintstones cartoon)

Shockingly the most successful people over time have known their mind even if it was not obvious to them self and many DID know the mind and know like I do . I love to hear Einstein quoted as the normal thinker that think they know him so well don't.  His real meaning of his mis quoted ideas just floats over.   This mind theory in general will never pass muster however, except for a few real thinkers. The typical mind is too shallow ,too looped and ignorant to discover the obvious. I am sure I will not be the last person to expose the mind as others before me have done for centuries now but  this illustrates the point- that proves man really is too stupid to grasp the idea of his own mind.  It is just as well, again we would be mildly embarrassed to discover what fools we have been.  

Add all of this psychology, human logic and reasoning to the philosophy debate and suddenly all the big questions in philosophy are suddenly solved. The real scary part is man will not be able to handle the knowledge and once the veil of us being 'smart' is lifted I fear the savage side of mankind will be more exposed  more than ever before. Once the mind and our view (man's) of things like religion are put in prospective many people will not have an anchor in their lives and the mayhem will be ugly. Still there is hope for man being civil and humble as we return to more of a hunter gather type of person after we are exposed as something less than we thought we were.              

Rich Shull on the Blog Pre Rain Man Autism,,, Rich is Inventor of the Turing Motor named for Father of the Computer Alan Turing 1912-1954. The Turing motor is autistically designed and is a triple hybird green car motor.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The next 1000 Chapters in Psychology

Presented again ( by yours Truly)  it happens once or twice every century.

Autism, before it was side tracked and became a circus act and buzzword;  was VERY CLOSE to being discovered as the connection between MR/DD and Einstein. Autism properly understood and figured out is nothing more than the building blocks of the mind. The Autism mind , as well as, your own mind has entire segments that have never been in a text book before. Man is a fool to himself and absently ignorant of his own minds mind that it is nearly worthless for me to even write about the building blocks of the mind, even though they apply to everyone. Weather we are in a group home ,a late bloomer ,most popular or the most respected doctor on earth or the proverbial couch potato (American slang)  our mind that we know and hone to a state we like to call normal is just a small visible sliver of the 'oblivous'.

To make our mind work as we like to think it does- there are banks upon banks of internal codes and short cuts (aka picture thoughts /kind of daydream) that we need to do before normal presents itself.  Most people are simply blessed with normal natural thought as standard issue and remain clueless threw out their entire life to the innrworking of the mind. Autistic like me started out below 123 and the ABC's and inadvertently learned the sub level thoughts you unknowingly use all the time every day. Once we learned those we could stop along the way and be Einstein, we could become the social butterflies we were not in school. We thrive often very late in life and most of us like indeed Einstein himself all claim some sort of learning trouble in early life. The Einstein picture thoughts that make us really smart and innovative are a mix of our (yours too) cave person senses and our total understanding of the mind. The mind is NOT pretty nor as grand as you hoped it would be, it is just a big picture book that talks.  As backward as the mind really is, the world is in pretty good shape over all but we not any further along than we were in Roman times in terms of psychology , philosophy or even medical science for that matter. It is just as well really ,as the mass ignorance factor ,somewhat like religion, keeps man occupied searching and seeking and researching and yes even hoping for the obvious solution to his mind.

Man in general is just smart enough to be very dangerous and even if his brain was dynamite he still could not blow his head off. Yes , you read it right, we indeed use all ,every bit of our brain power, and foolishly think  were under achievers and in reality were working over capacity. Our mind operates on series from birth picture thoughts that build and build from day one. Language, body language, vision, are honest short cuts to our labor intensive thought process that has never been in a book before.Mans mind as we learned if via autism is the one- by-one baby thoughts that compile and translate by various means into 'normal ' .  There are 5-6 layers of picture thoughts( sub level)  that have to work to before normal thought is achieved. Indeed some of the picture thoughts make us Einstein and EVERY human has the Einstein ability in them. Some day we will have the mind mapped and those in special education will be able to have the proper education for once of the internal thought base presented to them and most will come out just fine. Every student could have an Einstein class. Personality issues from serial killers to narcissiam to the odd geeks  to the truly normal would all have an explanation. Someday the psychologist will be able to reset the and flip the right switches of a serial killer, make and MR/DD Student thrive.

Man in general has the wrong end of the stick and his mind is so small it is just plain embarrassing to be human. We have spent century upon century on Gilligan's Island (old TV Show reference) and have to be the laughing stock of the planetary system. I doubt there is much worry of a UFO visiting us unless it is for a joke. I fear we might well be the rats in the maze for other beings that might be experimenting with us.

Knowing what I think I know of the human mind our mind is like a IBM 360 Computer (1960's room sized computer)  and I'm sure there are more advanced versions of our mind in the solar system. Man to his credit has only gone backwards a little bit with the advent of television  and that is because  the TV images have taken the place of our thoughts (really) before TV we had  more picture thoughts (more of them) and actually were more knowledgeable of the real world.  I'm not expecting one word of this to be believed and indeed I'll probably be burned at the stake as what I have written is just beyond description  and beyond anything man could ever believe. Keep in mind your mind is just too small and narrow to more than we do.  Again IF the 1000 chapters of Psychology or the picture thoughts that make our mind what they are are ever in a text book all the great puzzlers from philosophy  will suddenly have honest answers. Man is NOT ready for the truth and never will be so like those before me Like Einstein , Tesla and Turing  for example, we will just leave our insight and invention and innovation  in the helpless minds of the best of the ignorant peer reviewed  and approved professionals to simmer yet another few centuries until our next contemporary is self discovered like we were.  Meanwhile man continues to admire us and try to figure out what we have  but his limited knowledge base is just  beyond  the grasp  of understanding. Yes,even our Einstein friend gave up on mankind like I have as we realize the odds of our knowledge being aspired let alone understood are just more than any human is capable of doing.     

Rich Shull on the Blog Pre Rain Man Autism   Oct.  2010

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