NIP! I was cutting the lawn in the back yard on Sunday when a neighbor's dog jumped the fence and and came over and bit me in the darieraire. The actual picutre is not fit for this blog but here are the undergarmets I was wearing , plus keep in mind there were a good pair of sturdy of blue jeans that were ripped as well. It felt just like a pinch. The actual wound is much bigger and was really swelled and it bleed for 24 hours before it stopped. I had a set of rubber handled coverd plyers in my back pocket and I think they really kept the full effect of the bite as the dog got some unexpected interferance in his mission.
Like all previous wounds,, ( Modern autism should know this)
This one does not display black and blue marks (a white person thing) . If this were not a photograph in poor taste I 'd post a picutre of the actual bite here.
I was not thrilled with the idea of going to the Emergency Room for this as everytime we end up there ( Old Functioning autisitc in geneal) we become a circus attraction. The last time I was there people from Doctors to hospital staff to the public were gawking at my X-ray of the neddle in my foot
(above) and seen me walking on it with out pain. I was not thrilled about the idea of being sunny side up and exposed as people looked at this dog bite. Of Course no good doctor could resist the Push and Press (until you scream) diagnosis tool and that is the side my bad hip is on so by the time they reached 8-9-10 on my pain scale- when we do finally react- they might have blown my hip again.
Old Autism pre Rain Man knew of this pain tolerance and gave it the respect it deserved. I know all new age medicne thinks it is great and knows everything and assumes all popuations feel pain but all they need to do is trace the roots of autism to discover we don't. We can thank the late Dr Rimland (father of Rain Man) for some of that forgotton glory. It is just as well, The torture chamber we would be subjected to via autism research or medical research would not be fun even if we don't feel pain. I'm sure no research group could be trusted not to do a first class cover up after they abused you to death.
I proposed in my bansihed book Autism Pre Rain Man Autism a test for the pain tolerance. I related my real life as a mechanic and devised the following. Present the Autisitc person with a series of bolts and give him a wrench. Have them tighten the bolts until they thought they were very tight. I predict Aspie would snap low grade bolts like candy canes and not even wince doing it. Only the very good grade bolts would not break and we would finally grimace and show some sign of pain as we tightened them. When I finally discovered a torque wrench that is designed to break away when a pre set torque is reached I was shocked to discover 80 foot pounds was my thresh hold and it felt like 20 foot pounds of torque. No wonder I broke nearly every bolt I touched.
Over the years as I have met old and new age Aspies . Some display the pain tolerance and know it like I do and others don't. It seems those of us WITH the Pain tolerance are the ones that Think in Picutres (building blocks of the mind) and when we meet the non pain persons of today's autism they don't have a clue to picture thoughts. This BEGs the question ,If the Autism Pain Tolerance and Picutre thoughts and Splinter skills and Obessions were reintroduced into Autism would the successfull Autism of time gone be obvious again? It is a sure bet, modern Autism and its Research Empire that speaks with a billion dollars of "power" is not going to be the one to open up this pandora's box - they were the ones that sealed it to start with.
Meanwhile Autism Pain Tolerance like explaind in The Enigma as Alan Turing our autism hero ran marthons with out walls and invented the computer via splinter skills and obession is the real working autism that time forgot and now can't admit to. I cry knowing of all the humanity and the next 1000 chapters of Psychology are yet exposed again here in current times and (not shockingly) man is too dumb to know what he is missing.
As Di Vinci was quoted (along the lines) "Wake up you miserable humans". I might add until man realizes he is thinking with a short cut thought process he has no chance in discovering his own mind or body. The roots of man's mind and body are in old working autism and our connections we made starting out at the bottom of the gene pool . The shocker of this Autism connecting to real life will be man is very primevil even to this day.
Rich Shull on the Blog Pre Rain Man Autism. Inventor of The Turing Motor, A green triple hybrid car motor running on Compressed Air , Gas and Electric. 0-60 in no time flat and Green earth friendly MPG.
Ps, Please note the neighbor who has the dog is a very responsible dog owner, and rescues many dogs. This one that did the deed was totally deaf.
Labels: Pain tolerance, wild boy posts