Pre Rain Man Autism

Figured out Autism is the next 1000 chapters in psychology. Once we learn the picture thoughts that happen during the lack of eye contact, normal thoughts result. We build on the work of Temple Grandin and we missed Rain Man 's curse. Autism Is BOTH mrdd and Einstein and even social functioning people

My Photo
Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

Inventor of The Turing Motor a 70% efficient green triple hybird autstically designed car motor. There are at least 200 more Autisitc people like me, that function very well and modern autism will not own up to us. We connect MR/DD to Einstein and real life. We missed Rain Man's curse (thankfully) The Turing Motor is Green has no up and down moving parts and will get a reasonable car 90 MPG. It is the motor Ford and Mercedes would have built if they understood their own. It is Autistic Obession and splinter skills all figured out!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Good Bye President Ford

For my International readers America lost President Ford, He was responsible for cleaning up the mess of the famous Watergate scandal in the 1970s. Let it be known he was admired by everyone both before and after he was president. Even if you didn't agree with his politics you respected his honesty and ability to compromise.

Autism traits of President Ford and Jack Paar

I often see President Ford and the old Television host Jack Paar on the same plane and I wonder if BOTH were not autistic to some degree. Everyone admires Paar and Ford for the ability to bring the best out in people and yes, even less than perfect public appearances. In a time and space well beyond the grasp of modern Autism these were honed autism traits. Autism Thoughts and the deep thoughts and the logic in Paar and Ford present as "wonderful" for the viewing public but in terms of an autism thought they are simply normal and logical. Autism WAS at one time calm useful if not a bit odd and strange thoughts as personified by President Ford and Parr.

Both figures were very logical and honest and had a way of opening up people. Their honesty and fairness could easily have autism roots. I have seen over the years as I not only learned Autism but took my autism thought to the threshold of Normal thoughts I had to learn how to be unlogical to be seen as normal. Please note honed Autism Thoughts are very complicated and need to be toned down quite a bit before traditional people get a grasp of them and us. It seems Paar and Ford also had that natural "autism" thought process but they were able to make it work for them. They knew just when enough was enough and what the general public would stand for. Paar was a pioneer in many things from the radical people he had on his show to the subjects he talked about. Only someone aspie would make sure all sides at one time or another were represented. Some of Paar's radical combination included Gay and Black people on the same show that was pretty radical stuff in the early 1960's. Paar even interview Castro in Cuba.

If the autism Anthropology ever gets discovered and admitted to people will be shocked and impressed of the natural logic of autism thought. I know the autism students of today present as HORRIBLE but, it is only because modern autism (unintentionally, I hope) took away our very best chance at overcoming. While we barely made it and done our experience on the sly modern Autistic don't even get the slim chance we had. Modern Autism has made a mountain out of a molehill and today Autism is too big of a powerhouse and monster in it s own right to ever be seen as what it really was. What a shame we have figured out man's mind and here we are too little too late.

Good Bye President Ford , may history be kind to you.

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Autism Parity

Autism Parity- Lack of Eye Contact the Obvious Trouble in Autism
THIS IS a Parity, in this case a serious story told with some real facts. The Parity is done by Rich Shull host of the WEB blog called Pre Rain Man Autism and Author of the Book Autism Pre Rain Man Autism and inventor of The Turing Motor. It is seriously fun and seriously true and it describes the honest real life attempts of old working autism to be heard in the modern Autism movement. The REASON we are being such a pain in the ass is we have figured out the building blocks of the human mind in our figured out autism, It was an accident (to some degree) we figured out a different type of human thought. Our success is NOT sufficient to overcome the Rain Man Era Autism of modern times. We might have overcame autism but not the legacy of autism. This Article was found on the web page SCIENCE DAILY. Again THIS IS A PARITY.

The Original text is in BLACK my Added text is in Italics and BLUE type. I removed the names of the people mentioned in the article and replaced them with ****** signs as a courtesy.
(truncated disclaimers and removed photo of art work)

The work deepens understanding of an autistic brain's function and may one day inform new treatment approaches and augment how teachers interact with their autistic students. Years ago before Autism was a big deal lots of strange kids forged threw and overcame their autism. They had the complete ignorant backing of their parents, teachers and tutors and all completed a Double-blind Autism Experience. The outstanding results have given the world many inventions such as the computer and the Truing Motor as well as explained a "new" different kind of human thought process. This thought process might well prove to be the building blocks of the human mind and a link to Einstein's insight. Tracking the correlation between eye movements and brain activity, the researchers found that in autistic subjects, the amygdala - an emotion center in the brain associated with negative feelings - lights up to an abnormal extent during a direct gaze upon a non-threatening face. That is no shock as the optic nerve in someone autistic is typically off (lack of eye contact) so the Autistic person didn't even see the face presented. Writing in the March 6 issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience, the scientists also report that because autistic children avert eye contact, Autistic kids seemingly avert eye contact but in reality their optic vision is Off and their brains are busy thinking with image streams. Young autistic people often think they see as normal but, it takes many of them years to realize their optic vision is off and being replaced with a brain generated image they use to think with. They often try to tell their parents and teachers but finally give up on the idea and just silently start figuring out their autism on their own. They find if they mention that fact too often they are considered for the funny farm. It appears to the Autistic person as traditional thought might, as if it were typical vision. The Lack of eye contact is a real important clue the autism mind is at work and it is working as designed. Don't tamper with it. the brain's fusiform region, which is critical for face perception, is less active than it would be during a normally developing child's stare.

"This is the very first published study that assesses how individuals with autism look at faces while simultaneously monitoring which of their brain areas are active," says lead author *** ******, an assistant scientist at UW-Madison's Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior. ****** measured eye movements in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a sophisticated technology that allows researchers to "see" a brain in action. It is too bad the researchers don't realize the thought process they are monitoring with their MRI is NOT what they think it is. It is not eye contact or lack of it but rather what they are watching is the step by step process the human mind must do to think. Hopefully someday Proficient Picture thinkers of Autism will be subjected to the same study and they will get an honest result from their study. It must be noted however the results no matter how good will be downplayed as false and insufficient as honest reporting will cripple modern autism.

Notably, the UW-Madison study overturns the existing notion that autistic children struggle to process faces because of a malfunction in the fusiform area. Autistic Children are busy picture thinking. Their brains are naturally programmed differently and thus they are doing lots of step by step baby thoughts and compiling them to form a traditional thought. Autistic kids have NEVER been taught their different odd thought process they are naturally programmed to think with; it is in pictures. This is something never in a psychology book before. However it is only the select people of autism that have completed a double-blind autism experiences that taught themselves autism that have figured out the building blocks to man's mind. Rather, in autistic children the fusiform "is fundamentally normal" and shows only stunted activity because over-aroused amygdalas make autistic children want to look away, Autistic Children look away it seems, but in reality their eyes are off just as if they were blind. says senior author ******** *********, a UW-Madison psychiatry and psychology professor who has earned international recognition for his work on the neural underpinnings of emotion. Someday after the basic Autism thoughts are finally figured out emotions are better handled in Autistic people. Autism research has been serially and seriously deficient over the years and researchers were stunned to discover they were never even asking the right questions in Autism. Even worse since Autism became a designer condition the tip of the iceberg autism perception has stripped many generations of Aspies of their slim chances at real life success. To make matters even worse Autism Players purposely ignored the living Autism Anthropology of successful people from all over the world. Researchers were never expecting the answers to come from within the autism spectrum.

"Imagine walking through the world and interpreting every face that looks at you as a threat, even the face of your own mother," ********* adds. The only thing 'threatening ' about an autistic person's gaze is the fact it is not understood to be our version of normal. Normal minded researchers hold Autisitcs to normal standards and in reality autism thoughts never mimic the normal thought being pushed until the basics of autism are figured out. As of this writing in 2007 the basic autism thought process eludes all autism researchers. Autism research and most types of research are deficient as it operates on one plane and the autistic mind base operates on another and the two are at a natural impasse. Scientists and researches naturally assume autistic people especially those they have unknowingly molded to their group home version of autism are just simply too close to the bottom of the gene pool to be smart enough to figure out autism. Scientists have in the past speculated that the amygdala - which has been implicated in certain anxiety and mood disorders - plays a role in autism, but the study directly supports that idea for the first time. Studies asking the right questions often give the right answers and they make the peer review committees so much easier to deal with. The LARGEST MOST comprehensive autism of all time spans many generations and has world wide results but yet that study has never been compiled and completed as modern autism research is too deficient to withstand such honest unbiased results. Many Autism Researchers are of the publish and parish mindset and have chosen to research autism as there was little chance of honest criticism. They have the power to keep it that way to. All they do is band together and agree to never admit to Autism's newly coined Crypto Sensitive Population. They already erred to some degree in admitting to Temple Grandin. A late Autism GURU figured out that point when he was presented with an entire anthropology of Autism people that did even more than she had done. After all who would believe some "retarded" autistic kids, no matter if they turned out like Einstein?

An increasingly publicized developmental disability, Due to the fact Autism has become a buzzword and many people are employed in the autism empire it also means many less than stellar researchers flocking to autism research require their attention getting antics to get and keep funded. Autism researchers are looking forward to a future autism telethon to support their false cause. They have already incorporated flimsy autism plots into Television shows and of course the wonderful movie Rain Man launched the publicity that drives autism today. The spin and the P.R. associated with a fame game have made Autism bigger and worse than the original condition ever was. The admission of the double-blind group has proved the untouched autism of time gone by did much better. It became painfully obvious that those doing the double blind experience have figured out the step-by-step building blocks of the mind. Further their insight points to the idea autism thoughts are just slow-motion traditional thoughts. Nearly everyone in the double-blind group shockingly presents as normal and many grew and developed absently when their splinter skills and obsessions were exploited. autism greatly weakens the capacity to socialize and communicate normally. ) (serious humor, seems at least one of us is on a roll) The tendency to avoid eye contact is one of the most pervasive traits among autistic children, says *****. The characteristic is a problem because eyes, in particular, are a crucial source of "subtle cues that are critical for normal social and emotional development," ****** says. Autism researchers were shocked to discover upon finally admitting to the autism double blind experience group, that their emotions and eye contact were pretty good. They were astonished to learn that there is an invisible thought process a subroutine that happens in Autistic minds and once Autism people figure out that sub routine they can keep up with social clues and emotions quite well. Researches were even more impressed to discover one of their own a now deceased Autism Pioneer sat on this information and saved their jobs and his reputation. In honor of his achievement they are following suit.

******'* work comprised two studies. In the first, researchers placed autistic children inside an MRI scanner and showed them pictures of faces with both emotional and neutral expressions. The Researches later discover it was a moot point as the autistic persons optic vision was diverted and replaced with a brain generated image. The children had to press one of two buttons to indicate whether a face showed a blank or expressive face. Throughout the process, the researchers used precise eye-tracking technology to measure exactly which parts of the face study participants were looking at and for how long. Normally developing children far outpaced the autistic study participants in identifying expressions correctly. The long term double blind autism people doing the same study performed nearly on par with their normal counterparts but that ideal was swept under the rug as it was bad for the big business of autism. Lots of Autism Research jobs depend on Autism NOT being figured out. Autism research is a fame and money game so even if careing real life doctors do exist they are tied to peer review and grant systems for their paychecks. That lifestyle by design assures the innovation and even the proven innovation the double-blind experience has forged is never even mentioned.

During the second study, the researchers again placed subjects in MRI machines and showed them photographs of both familiar and unfamiliar faces. They monitored eye movements and brain activity, and once again, autistic subjects performed considerably more poorly than normally developing participants. Doctors were impressed (not really) to discover a fluke in the experiment as they discovered an autistic savant and despite the hope and the better than average results the researches decided not to mention those good results. Many didn't even know enough to realize the results anyway. They recall the GURU of Autism after all set the standards for autism by (ignorantly, I hope) making the Savant a circus act in the movie Rain Man. Rain Man made a wonderful false foundation to rest the new age autism on.

In the future, the findings could help scientists "train autistic children to look at a person's eye region in a more strategic way, like when the person may not be looking directly at them," In effect the long term double-blind experiment group of autism people also learned to do and keep eye contact, once they figured out the autism sub thoughts and honed them into a version of nearly normal thoughts, they demonstrate autism thought can mimic traditional thoughts. The researchers admitted their advise and ideas of the Rain Man years of autism have been seriously flawed. The quality doctor admitting to that fact has been reassigned to the chemistry lab at Indiana University washing test tubes. says *********. Researchers eventually could assess whether such approaches improve the ability to make eye contact and whether they might even induce positive developmental changes in the brain. Secretly, however, researchers are hoping however no real progress is made as no one will admit that when one door closes more open. Psychology and autism research has never been presented with the building blocks of the human mind all mapped out and naturally all the guru's of psychology are indeed scared. Everyone is scared of change especially when it is so obvious. On a similar note autism officials worry that the admission of the Crypto Autism double-blind experience will shift the focus of the autism banter and lawsuits from Mercury to themselves for negligent research. According to the one famed researcher" the diets and the pills and shallow ungrounded research were not enough," It is now time to retire or go back to researching Downs Syndrome.

Because autism is more inheritable than any other psychiatric condition, researchers also could start to explore the genetic mechanisms underlying hyperactive amygdalas - "a completely uncharted research territory," Researchers (admit it folks) love to chart new ground and that is over all good but, when they never had a foundation to start from their uncharted ground simply makes for impressive peer review and offers a bigger chance at getting published. Many modern researchers consider themselves a failure if they don't make it big and are not first in line to discover a hang nail on a donkey. says *********. And if the autistic amygdala is found to be overactive from infancy, the knowledge could help doctors implement intervention approaches right from an early age. Doctors must be careful however too much QUALITY intervention as demonstrated in the Autism double-blind experience will make group home autistic a moot point and it will rekindle the Autism genus aspect of the human mind. If that happens long term life long autistic they have molded as their guinea pigs will be in short supply and thus jeopardize their long term studies of the stuff they once thought was important.

Seriously,,,,, Please keep in mind there really is an untouched autism anthropology of people that have done double-blind autism experiments and have figured out real life. We are teens to 80 year olds and most of us build on the work of Temple Grandin. Modern Autism HAS known of us for years and other research disciplines will not admit to us (professional courtesy)? until Autism does. We unintentionally deflate the autism empire and thus they still have the power to keep us under wraps. PLEASE urge the Autism Powers to admit to all of Autism even the stuff they don't like. Autism has been a curse for too long considering we have figured out the keys to man's mind.

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983

Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Eye Contact,,, final thought

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.

Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

Science Daily — MADISON ----- Final Paragraph of Article
"Because autism is more inheritable than any other psychiatric condition, researchers also could start to explore the genetic mechanisms underlying hyperactive amygdalas - "a completely uncharted research territory," says Davidson. And if the autistic amygdala is found to be overactive from infancy, the knowledge could help doctors implement intervention approaches right from an early age."

From Rich Shull,

Our double-blind autism experiment and living anthropology unintentionally defrock most of the ideals of modern Autism. That fact is purely coincidental. While our autism explains and opens up entire new frontiers in discovering man's mind and it roots and adds new sensible explanations to nearly every mental condition we might never be admitted to in autism circles. Another sad point to our autism experience and anthropology is many of us have narcissistic parent(s). Lots of us have experienced pain-free serious injuries and most in our anthropology are Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered and BI sexual. We have figured out our picture thoughts and honed our keen senses and might also be the living missing link in evolution.
The obvious success to our success is not all that obvious to simple traditional thinking "experts" not really caring about our story to begin with. We are after all the very people they are researching and thus too dumb to even "fart" let alone figure out our autism. No one would ever guess our thoughts are TOO complicated and thus need watered down to be understood. Modern Autism is wooing on the idea we are too stupid to be smart, not the other way around. Again this is power of a double-blind experience. Modern Autism Powerhouses including the late Dr. Rimland knew of us and once they discovered our success was too successful they decided to keep autism 'pure' and now that autism is a buzzword look where it has got them?
Rich Shull, author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism-built on Thinking in Pictures
Inventor of the Turing Motor a 70% Efficient Green, autistically designed car motor

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges
Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983

Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma

10-10 eye contact

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.
Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

Science Daily — MADISON ----- Tenth Paragraph of Article
In the future, the findings could help scientists "train autistic children to look at a person's eye region in a more strategic way, like when the person may not be looking directly at them," says Davidson. Researchers eventually could assess whether such approaches improve the ability to make eye contact and whether they might even induce positive developmental changes in the brain.
From Rich Shull
Train all you wish, and since you never even had the key to the city all you have created is another group home candidate. Eye Contact is not the issue the research obviously thinks it is. They would be shocked to see it come naturally and is not necessary in our autism development. In fact we DON'T need it at first and for some of us we were well into high school before it was kind of common for us. In the bookALAN TURING: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges, Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 It tells of our autistic hero Alan Turing (1912-1954) His genius was autism and like us he was never diagnosed as this (thankfully) was before the day and age of autism. This book is filled, like our lives are, with all kinds of odd stage and true school stories and they LACK of eye contact. It was finally accepted as who we were and people stopped demanding eye contact from us as they realized we somehow came out of our shell on our own.

Alan Turing was W.W.II hero and OBE award holder and Father of the Computer.

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

"Life has a certain flavor for those who have fought and risked all, that the sheltered and protected can never experience" John Stuat Mill-Philosopher-1806-1873

9-10 eye contact

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.
Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

Science Daily — MADISON ----- Nineth Paragraph of Article
"During the second study, the researchers again placed subjects in MRI machines and showed them photographs of both familiar and unfamiliar faces. They monitored eye movements and brain activity, and once again, autistic subjects performed considerably more poorly than normally developing participants."

From Rich Shull.
I can't help but wonder if our Anthropology was ever united and our notes were compaired in person and even one autism researcher realized our long complicted thought process suddenly autism would drop the idea of faces and eye contact and realize we are busy thinking and our optic vision is off? They would be scrambling to teach us our basic autism thoughts so that we really could start doing eye contact and have it mean something.

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

8-10 eye contact lack of

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.

Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

Science Daily — MADISON ----- Eighth Paragraph of Article
Dalton's work comprised two studies. In the first, researchers placed autistic children inside an MRI scanner and showed them pictures of faces with both emotional and neutral expressions. The children had to press one of two buttons to indicate whether a face showed a blank or expressive face. Throughout the process, the researchers used precise eye-tracking technology to measure exactly which parts of the face study participants were looking at and for how long. Normally developing children far outpaced the autistic study participants in identifying expressions correctly.

From Rich Shull
Well, now, they might be precisely tracking our eye movements but they don't realize that is a moot point as our eyes are OFF our Optic vision is off and what we see is a brain generated image we use to think with. I bet some our anthropology's people with honed autism thoughts could perform right up there with the normally developing children.
Again autism research is ignorant of our most basic thoughts and most of us learning them learned them by skin of our teeth by trail and error. Some of us present as the village idiot, others do a Rain Man and even more of us do a pretty normal life. We are 20 something to 80 something and we all have the same story to tell. Autism research or for that matter any research has nver been presented with a living working anthropology and if it were not for the web we would have never met. In addition to autism many of us were priviliaged to a unique social experience in our life that took us from super geek to 'normal.' See the power of a double-blind experience? Too bad we are not what Autism is wanting to hear or they would have us in their MRI machines their printing presses would be hot.

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

7-10 lack of eye contact

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.

Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

Science Daily — MADISON ----- Seventh Paragraph of Article
An increasingly publicized developmental disability, autism greatly weakens the capacity to socialize and communicate normally. The tendency to avoid eye contact is one of the most pervasive traits among autistic children, says Dalton. The characteristic is a problem because eyes, in particular, are a crucial source of "subtle cues that are critical for normal social and emotional development," Dalton says.

From Rich Shull
Well, again that is the new version of autism and quite frankly, modern autism and its caring ignorance has assured we turn out that way. Modern Autism unknowingly has only seen and never known to look past the obvious traits an untrained autistic person would display.
If they cared to sit down with us and discover our Picture in Picture thought, our Projection Thought all types of autism thoughts they will see just how we over come autism and even become social. Once we learn our BASIC (Thinking in Picutres ,(Temple Grandin)) autism thoughts we can add more advanced autism thoughts and those allow us to not only think autistically but keep and maintain eye contact and read body language. Once we hone our image streams and picture thoughts we can often approach normal traditional thought as you know it.
Granted our anthropology does do very well and indeed out performs all the autism spectrum and that might one big reason we are seen more as geeks and in my case a trouble maker rather than high functioning autistic. Trouble is what we have been able to discover is not even the close to the 'answer' autism researchers even dreamed of asking to start with. Many researchers, lets be honest are not keen on admitting to us as we don't have degrees and they are researching us after all? How many of them were expecting and getting an uncritqued career? Why if they admit to us their entire career and status for many of them is called into question. Peer review is just that and by default it keeps out the very ideas it is naturally looking for. ( Humor, sounds like job security to me)

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

6-10 eye contact post

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.
Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

Science Daily — MADISON ----- Sixth Paragraph of Article
"Imagine walking through the world and interpreting every face that looks at you as a threat, even the face of your own mother," Davidson adds. Scientists have in the past speculated that the amygdala - which has been implicated in certain anxiety and mood disorders - plays a role in autism, but the study directly supports that idea for the first time.

From Rich Shull
Well, there they go again researchers assuming we think like they think? I suspect if any researcher would care to learn what it is we do to think and the steps we have to go threw to think they will drop their simple "mother is a threat ideal" and the idea we are scared of people. Finally they might discover while we present on the surface like we are scared, the reality is we are busy (or should be) processing image streams. It takes an image stream of a few seconds to think of the simplest thoughts, it kind of is like you having to describe a dream to someone. We use a version of your dreams to think with. Not only do we think original thoughts with those dreams they are WAY more complicated than your most complicated thought. This might be where the autism Savant and Autism genus roots from. We often have to learn to water down our complicated thoughts and then convert those thoughts to words to be spoken. We learn to do all of this by trial and error as we did our double blind autism experience. No matter what country we are from or language we speak the autism basics are the same. We really might have figured out the building blocks of the human mind.

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Lack of Eye contact 5-10

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.

Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

Science Daily — MADISON ----- Fifth Paragraph of Article
Notably, the UW-Madison study overturns the existing notion that autistic children struggle to process faces because of a malfunction in the fusiform area. Rather, in autistic children the fusiform "is fundamentally normal" and shows only stunted activity because over-aroused amygdalas make autistic children want to look away, says senior author Richard Davidson, a UW-Madison psychiatry and psychology professor who has earned international recognition for his work on the neural underpinnings of emotion.

From Rich Shull
We are sorry we look away,,, but, our eyes are off for a start thus they are not even able to see you like you think they do. Just because our eyes are open doesn't mean they are connected too our optic nerve. Perhaps Autistics have a different connection between the optic nerve and the brain? This is a good place to NOTE while our Optic vision is OFF weather it is for a millisecond or a few seconds our other senses go into HIGH gear. Our KEEN senses take over to keep us safe. Many times those in our Anthropology have been picture thinking and our OPTIC vision has been off and the SLIGHEST Wisp of something normal people would need a decibel meter to hear alerts us to the real world we don't see and warns us to go back to OPTIC vision. The keen senses of autism that saved our lives are just another layer to the autism puzzle of today. Blind people hear like we do, they hear the stuff you don't. In effect we are often DEAF and BLIND during our autism thoughts. Who ever would have thought that? Once we learn how to deal without thoughts and keep optic vision on all the time we can even drive!

At one time this was kind of common knowledge in Autism circles and only upon the elevation of Autism to buzzword status has it been ignored or forgotten. The old Autism researches that knew us the best, are mostly gone now. I had met several old researchers in my time that were kicked out of autism as it gained it starward status. They were told to get with the new program or leave, many were too close to retirement not to fit in.

Rich Shull,,,, Http:// The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma

4/10 Autism Eye contact

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.
Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

Science Daily — MADISON ----- Fourth Paragraph of Article
"This is the very first published study that assesses how individuals with autism look at faces while simultaneously monitoring which of their brain areas are active," says lead author Kim Dalton, an assistant scientist at UW-Madison's Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging and Behavior. Dalton measured eye movements in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a sophisticated technology that allows researchers to "see" a brain in action."

From Rich Shull,
If Autism's most popular and fashionable researchers would care to admit to our high functioning anthropology and they knew our inside secrets we would unintentionally stand their MRI's on their nose. If our Autism was admitted to and people realized our thought process has never been in a book before let alone identified in an MRI they might indeed get a different picture of their very own test results.

Again these well intentioned researchers are hung up on Eye contact and in reality they don't even know the Eye Contact is NOT the important issue in our lives as we learn our autism thoughts by trial and error. Modern diagnosed Autism even goes miles in the wrong direction in taking way our slim chances at learning our own different type of thoughts. Once we learn our autism thoughts like Still and Motion Picture the very basic ones that Temple wrote about and we go onto Picture in Picture thought, projection thought, 3-4 Dimension thoughts and others. If mankind is extremely lucky researchers will see, what we see. We eventually become masters at eye contact, we even do body language. We might have figured out autism but we are too little too late Rain Man has cursed us all. 3 and 4 demension thought and projection thoughts and other high end picutre thoughts explain the great minds of our time like Turing, Enstein ,Testla and yes even the character Rain Man's ability to do the phone book and little else. Picture thought wise there is little differance bettween the villiage idiot and and Einstein.

If our Autism experience was figured out, admitted to and duplicated autism would again be filled success stories like ours. Modern autism has been more work than help (unknowingly). We might have overcame autism but we might never overcome the autism empire that sees us as nothing more than a threat.

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Eyes 3 of 10 lack of contact

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.

Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

Science Daily — MADISON ----- Third Paragraph of Article
Tracking the correlation between eye movements and brain activity, the researchers found that in autistic subjects, the amygdala - an emotion center in the brain associated with negative feelings - lights up to an abnormal extent during a direct gaze upon a non-threatening face. Writing in the March 6 issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience, the scientists also report that because autistic children avert eye contact, the brain's fusiform region, which is critical for face perception, is less active than it would be during a normally developing child's stare.

From Rich Shull,
Perhaps these "Experts" of Autism might like a bit of advise from those of us that have been there and done that? I know there more than a few "experts' of Autism and brain science that think we are too close to the bottom of the gene pool to know any better but, here it goes.
Listen UP People,,,, When our Lack of eye contact is occurring our eyes might be OPEN and they appear to functioning but the reality is our OPTIC VISION IS OFF ,,,, let me repeat that please our Optic vision is OFF. We probably don't even see you, let alone know if the face we are supposed to be looking at is a friend or foe. While our optic vision is off we stare at you etc. but our eyes are OFF. While our optic vision is OFF our Brains are working as we have discovered in our double-blind Autism experience and if we are allowed to "think" like we are programmed to our Brains present something like Daydreams (all kinds of picture thoughts) and IF we are lucky we figure them out and learn to convert those picture thoughts to words and Speech. Our Optic vision can be off from a few milliseconds to a few minutes and come off and on in spurts. We have optic canceling thoughts to think with and more optic canceling thoughts as we convert those picture thoughts to words and speech- this is the point in the human thought process where we "talk". (if we are lucky)

If we are right our Picture thoughts are the very building blocks of man's mind. Those of us learning and honing all of our picture thoughts are rewarded with near clones of traditional thoughts like you use. In fact all humans might be picture thinkers (unknowingly) and it is just our autism thoughts appear to be slow motion step -by- step versions of your thoughts. NONE of what we have figured out has been in a text book before. Our Autism Explains everything from Einstein to Dyslexia and even sheds new welcome light on the needle autism of today.

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Science Daily- lack of eye contact 2nd

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.
Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

Science Daily — MADISON ----- Second Paragraph of Article
"The work deepens understanding of an autistic brain's function and may one day inform new treatment approaches and augment how teachers interact with their autistic students."

From Rich Shull,
At one time in a time and place and a space before Autism was a buzzword and widely diagnosable Autisitcs, teachers and parents once did a double-blind Autism Experience with Outstanding results. We were oddest kids the class room and many of us were in Special education. Sometimes we were on the honor roll one six weeks and totally lost in the next. A's and F were common on the same report card. UNKNOWINGLY teachers, tutors and parents discovered our "buttons" and realized we RARELY had eye contact, and we thrived in Splinter Skill learning. If something was geared toward or Obsession we were close to genius. Eventually the Genus parts of our were being filtered threw and in to real life. Suddenly we were a bit social developed and learned how to make eye contact as we figured out WHY our Eyes were OFF. We discovered in our self-taught Autism class that while our Eyes were OFF (optic vision is OFF) we then think with Picture thoughts.

Back when the world was ignorant of autism and our support system was equally ignorant of Autism (thankfully) no one labeled us autistic that is for sure and EVERYONE jumped on our success and even though they could not explain it success is success. Many of us were well into our 30s and 40s before the Autism double-blind experience was completed and thus were too old for Autism Research to give a darn about us. They especially hate the idea our anthropology does so well. They now call us Crypto-sensitive Autisitcs. (Amounts to old Autism time forgot)

Autism is noted for the book Thinking in Pictures by Temple Grandin, and the book I wrote building on Temple's called Autism Pre Rain Man Autism. My book takes Temple's thoughts to the threshold of normal thoughts. There are least 3-4-5 more "thinking in pictures types of books IF Autism publishers would allow us to be "discovered."

Rich Shull,,,,

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Eye Contact / Science Daily

Note: This story has been adapted from a news release issued by University Of Wisconsin-Madison.
Based on the Science Daily 12-25-96 Autism Article on LACK OF EYE contact in Autism.
Quoted and Commented upon paragraph by paragraph on the blog of Rich Shull. Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism.

"Science Daily — MADISON - Brain tests at the University of Wisconsin-Madison suggest that autistic children shy from eye contact because they perceive even the most familiar face as an uncomfortable threat."

From Rich Shull,,, Oh good grief see what happens when normals try to discover Autism and apply their very own logic to autism, they miss the entire point to a wonderful different kind of human thought that has never been in a book before. Granted it appears on the surface of things we are most uncomfortable with making eye contact and in younger aspies that is probably kind of true. However many people in our high functioning Anthropology complete a double-blind experience know the lack of eye contact goes improves and even goes away all together as we learn HOW to do our Autism Picture based Thoughts! Rain Man's Curse Lives on! Please Read more in the next post.
Rich Shull,,,,

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Upton Sinclair's Great Words

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

Upton Sinclair (1878-1968)

Slightly amended,

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary (AND REPUTATION) depends upon his not understanding it."

These wonderful words are so important even today in autism circles. I only wish Dr. Rimland were still alive, I'd love to present them to him. Perhaps they could solve the question once and for all: was his ignorance deliberate and self imposed or actual ignorance? I can tell you for sure is scientific method lacked some key principles.

Rich Shull Http://

Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism , Inventor of the Turing Motor.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Memory Lingers on :(

From Rich Shull, Host of this Blog,

Dear Readers, I have quoted and commented below on a tribute to Dr. Rimalnd. My comments are in BLUE and the entire tribute was copied un touched at the bottom of this post in smaller type.

"ARI will continue to fund, as Dr. Rimland would say, "research that makes a difference." By the end of the year we will have funded over half a million dollars in research that evaluates current treatment therapies and develops new ones. We will also continue to sponsor two or more annual think-tanks to gather the leaders in autism research and foster the rapid development and dissemination of scientifically-based, effective treatments. In addition, we are making a concerted effort to reach out to regions throughout the U.S., and to other countries worldwide, to spread the word that "autism is treatable." "" Quoted from below

All autism research needs is a foundation and it has it providing the Autism Research "professionals" would ever have the guts to own up to our high functioning group of people that often build on Temple Grandin's work. Would you believe there are at least 200 more Temple Grandins and most of us do a more normal life than she does? (you will never hear that fact from modern autism research). Despite our version of autism being well defined in a double-blind long term experiment who's results would HELP autism not hurt autism-it is not in the best interest of modern autism to ever admit to us. Our Anthropology in the view of the proper research profe$$ional resides at the bottom of the "gene pool" and even worse we are the very 'retarded people' they are researching so they have every right in the world to go about their money spending studies and ignore the very obvious answers our Anthropology affords.

The mere fact the people doing the research on us are not one of us gives them a spring board in their peer review bliss they surround themselves in. What a chance that is to pat them selves on the back. The good old boys club lives on! What a shame our figured out autism has never been in a text book before and what we have figured out might well be the building blocks of the human mind all mapped out. We operate several steps below traditional thoughts where the researchers have never looked, and until we figure out our best parts of autism, we cannot mimic traditional thoughts. Once we do we are set and do a traditional life and it takes us so long to do that as we self teach our own autism course that we are often too old to be cared about in Autism research especially. If we are 20 years old and NOT in a group home they feel like failures. Sadly, Modern Autism in the best possible sprit of helping took away our very best chances at success (splinter skills, Obessions,eye contact) and now they are not willing to take a few steps back and look at what they have missed or just how all of that stuff was our salvation. Do you realize If our Experiments were duplicated and our experience condensed Autism could be taught by 6th grade. We did the long had version of it and discovered all kinds of new human thought traits. The fundamentals of Autism basics are not even on the radar of the "Professionals."

""Over the years, Dr. Rimland would often tell me that he would never die. He was right – his thoughts, his beliefs, his spirit and his passion to help the greatest number of children will live on. We will all make sure of that. ""

Honestly, what were his motivations? Did Rain Man go to his head? Was, Dr Rimland a true autism research professional or was he playing to a niche market in Psychology circles? Or was he a nice man simply stuck in a nasty business, Or did he invent the business? I feel If he were a real professional NO stone would have ever gone unturned and for sure our Anthropology would have never been blatantly ignored. We simply have too many high functioning people that did a double-blind autism experience to account for. Too many of us do TOO much in our own ways in Real Life. The Autism Dr Rimland was researching and his motivations were very noble causes only what we have figured out has not been discovered as a different WORKING human thought process. We discovered autism via trial and error and he swept it and our OUTSTANDING results under the rug simply not knowing the obvious to autism. Only those of us in the trenches could have figured out autism in our double blind experience. Will someone please listen? Autism Spectrum Parents I can assure you modern Autism will not like our results but, you will! Please Urge the Autism Society to admit to us a little bit more-than they have done, for the sake of your very own kids.

Rich Shull,,, Author Autism Pre Rain Man Autism - inventor of the Turing Motor a 70% efficient Green Autistically designed Car motor (Humor,"Rain Man did a motor" so to speak)

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

As a courtesy out of respect for the dead here is the entire post I found on the web untouched,

If you received this email by error, click REPLY, add REMOVE and you will no longer receive Unlocking Autism posts.

Forwarded to you from The Autism Research Institute:

Dear ARI Friends and Supporters, It has been three weeks since Dr. Rimland's passing. Obituaries in the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, Time Magazine and many other publications have described his tireless, groundbreaking work, which spanned almost a half century. In addition, parents and professionals from around the world have shared some amazing personal tributes to Dr. Rimland on Autism Research Institute's (ARI) website ( If you have a chance, I invite you to read these tributes and, if you feel compelled, add one of your own. Next month, we will print and hard-bind these heartfelt messages and keep a copy in ARI's permanent book collection and also present this book of gratitude to Dr. Rimland's wife, Gloria, and their three children, Mark, Helen and Paul.

As you might imagine, the past few weeks have been difficult for all of us at ARI. I was friends with Dr. Rimland for 30 years, and I worked closely with him for the past 20 years. As Dr. Rimland's affliction progressed we spent time together every day, much of it talking about the future course of the Autism Research Institute. Now, as the director of ARI, my mission is to follow Dr. Rimland's lead in quickly moving the field of autism research and treatment as far forward as possible. Dr. Rimland was extremely gratified to see so many children improve and at times recover because of the therapies which developed through his efforts. ARI will continue this momentum and find as many modalities as possible to help as many children as we can to truly defeat this disorder.

ARI will continue to fund, as Dr. Rimland would say, "research that makes a difference." By the end of the year we will have funded over half a million dollars in research that evaluates current treatment therapies and develops new ones. We will also continue to sponsor two or more annual think-tanks to gather the leaders in autism research and foster the rapid development and dissemination of scientifically-based, effective treatments. In addition, we are making a concerted effort to reach out to regions throughout the U.S., and to other countries worldwide, to spread the word that "autism is treatable."

Moving forward ARI's Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) program will continue to be a top priority. The DAN! Executive Advisory Committee will meet in the next couple of months to chart the course of DAN! for 2007 and beyond. Our plan is to continue, and greatly expand, the DAN! research and treatment revolution that Dr. Rimland began with Drs. Baker and Pangborn in 1995. Over the years, Dr. Rimland would often tell me that he would never die. He was right – his thoughts, his beliefs, his spirit and his passion to help the greatest number of children will live on. We will all make sure of that. Some of you may not know my professional history dedicated to autism research and treatment.

I have even heard of a few parents who confused me with a medical doctor who shares my name. That said, I have published a biographical link for those who wish to know more about me. [] I greatly appreciate all of your support in helping me continue Dr. Rimland's mission. Best Regards, Steve Edelson, Ph.D. Director, Autism Research Institute 4182 Adams Avenue San Diego, CA 92116 USA

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Autism, Nail Cutting , and Speech

Hi *********** from the web My son ******** who is non-verbal and is 5 yrs. old was the same way at one time he was fasniated with his toes he had to clean them every chance he could and then many times he would clinch his fists and walk around for hours with clinched fists or sometimes he would lick the palm of his hands and then clinch them and he did this often. **********

Feeling Toes and Autism and even speech

Please refer to my recent post on the missing 2-9 on the pain scale.

Well, OK we feel the one on the pain scale and then the Ten,,,,, Trouble is the one is over sensitive and I suspect this guy is being drove crazy as his nails grow out. It seems we have normal feeling one place on our body it is, the skin and right at the tips our nails. As the nail grows and "glides" along the skin it drives us crazy. The relief I feel today when I cut my nails is just amazing and it seems like tons of stress is removed from me when my nails are really short. I get the same feeling from toe and finger nails they have to be short and the I also cut a 45 'corner on each side of them.

As for the clinched toes and fists all he is probably doing is pulling the skin away from his nails and like when I cut my nails short and get relief he is getting the same effect. I find we cut our nails a bit shorter than most people and yes they sometimes bleed (toe) as I really cut close and make sure the corner of the nail is cut. I could see where an Autism parent of today would be horrified of that and not let their kid cut his-her own nails. But if you cut the nails as you think they should be cut you haven't helped our problem.

As for licking his palms we always seem to need salt, many of us in the real world that missed this modern autism often report having a craving for salt. Even though many of us eat a normal type diet we still fell the need for even more salt. I can only guess the gluten free diet of today is also probably more salt free as well. Thus when he licking his palms he is simply getting the salt from his skin.

Several years ago when I met the old time OLD autism researcher and we were talking shop (he was told to get with new autism ideals or quit) We talked a good bit about the need for salt. He was not shocked at all that I often got salt directly from the salt shaker several times a day and still had a craving for more. Some days I really need lots of salt and others are fine I don't need the extra. I wish some modern autism 'expert' would even know to ask why or even better do a study to see why we need extra salt?

Finally see what you get when NORMAL people study non normal people and will not listen to us? See the insight they miss? See how the normal persons natural blinders naturally hide the obvious? As we overcame autism on our own, AND LEARNED TO TALK we inadvertently learned to translate picture thoughts to real words. Modern Autism if it did nothing else took away our very chance at doing that-learning to talk. Would it not be wild if the poor chap talked about in this post could talk? Just what would he say? By his actions alone it seems he is doing the same thing we did, but modern autism as got him in its grips and the poor guy is being held back and killed with kindness. See what happens when you assume we are dumb as a sack of rocks? I know we present that way but at one time we really didn't it is only modern Autism's practices that make us idiots. Many of us were thankfully absently able to over come and we did. It is all a moot point it seems the 'Experts' have elected themselves 'experts' . I hope the day comes when someone really does figure out autism and they realize the fine line of success and failure that we have figured out in our double-blind experience.

Aspie Spectrum parents your our only hope in getting our message out, the late Dr Rimland was horrified our anthropology (the results of it) and even the new Autism Leaders of the Autism society know us. They don't like the very high functioning aspect to our lives and the Idea most of our people do a mostly normal life despite the autism we figured out on our own. We all build on the work on Temple Grandin. Temple seems to be the highest functioning Autistic person they will own up to. There are at least 200 more of us and most of us drive and hold normal jobs. Perhaps they don't want to know about that? It seems like they don't. Please ask Dr. Cathy Pratt at the Autism Society of America and others on the board about us. I can only guess the answer you will get will not be complementary.
We were lucky they even admitted to us in the recent past and retagged old autism in to Crypto Sensitive Autism.

Rich Shull,,,, Http://

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Enduring Autism Haircuts

Hi ********,

That is just awesome....want to clone that hair sylist for me??? ********** is just hard to get his hair cut too. It won't be much longer and I told his Dad that I won't be able to take him he is just way too strong for me to handle. So what we may end up doing is calling our hair sylist and asking her to come to our house she said she would if she had advanced notice or putting him in the high chair and just doing it. But I just hate tramuntizating (sp?) *******. I know he doesn't like it and I know he is scared just like getting his hair washed HE HATES IT totally....but I do it and again I hate doing it as much as he hates it.**********

This is from a Web group I'm on the above is the original message the below is the same with my comments in blue.

Hi ********, That is just awesome....want to clone that hair sylist for me??? ********** is just hard to get his hair cut too. Gee well, maybe IF the autism professionals realized we hear and feel way more than they do they might think or even know a haircut from our point of view thing would be different. In the dark ages without the autism DX and the ills of that we were forced to endure our haircuts and we eventually learned to tolerate them with no fits. We learned to endue the clipper the noise and the vibrations the SHRILL of the scissors as they snipped the LOUD TV and Music the out of tune high pitches and even the thunder of a hair dryer. More importantly we learned to endure a stranger TOO close to us. It won't be much longer and I told his Dad that I won't be able to take him he is just way too strong for me to handle. So what we may end up doing is calling our hair sylist and asking her to come to our house she said she would if she had advanced notice or putting him in the high chair and just doing it. But I just hate tramuntizating (sp?) *******. I know he doesn't like it and I know he is scared just like getting his hair washed HE HATES IT totally....but I do it and again I hate doing it as much as he hates it. See my recent post called Amplified listening and see and feel for your self after reading that just what torture a haircut can be.

Today at 43 I still hate hair cuts I still have the same problems I always had and currently you have to be social with a chatty stylist-we have a hard time talking as it is and the add trouble of scissors and clippers that still prompt overload as it always has done. Those of us that do well in our unadmitted to group have figured out the words to say in conversations and in this case even more 'default topics and gestures' to cover for us while in over load in the barber chair. Do you realize we can hear our hair "breaking" as it cuts? If we never figure out that fact it would understandably scare us. And you wonder why hair cuts and dentists offices are pure hell. We have been there and done that ,,,too bad Autism doesn't respect our endurance trials or everyone in the spectrum would be better for it.


Rich Shull,,,,

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Friday, December 08, 2006

$1,259,500,000 Reasons for Autism

Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, and Bugs Bunny all had classic Loony toons cartoon sequence where they had a fight over weather it was Rabbit or Duck hunting season while Elmer Fudd stood by with his shoot-in iron ready to blast one of them as they peeled rabbit and duck season signs from a poster. The last one was an ELEMER season and Elemer suddenly turned red faced and ran like H*** as they took after him. It appears we have an Autism Season on our hands?

$1,259,500,000 Reasons for an Autism Empire.
Just some of the numbers from the Autism bill S843a over the life of the bill from 2007to 2011. The figures below are online and part of the congressional record.

Well now,,, We are BLUE In the face, and 30 years after Rain Man-Autism has become a bigger monster than our figured out autism ever was. People galore have jumped on the autism band wagon and many have elected them selves "experts" and peer review assures that they are. Along the way they missed the entire point to autism and those of us that have figured it out, are holding the keys to mankind's mind but obviously not his pocket book. Money talks and bull **** walks they claim. Well, **** and Cream rise to the top so in other words we are in this deep.

I really don't care except that they have the wrong end of the autism stick and our Autism not only explains most of the new autism, even the needle autism of today it also holds the building blocks to the human mind, the very knowledge Autism is seeking and will never find as they don't know where to look or the questions to ask. They are not even looking under the right rock yet. The way they are going about it $1,259,500,000 dollars and years later they will be back for more money and maybe by then they can get even more with a telethon.

The better our Anthropology does at real life the less chance we have of ever being admitted to in autism circles. We are bad for business that is for sure. We might have come in First place in terms of Autism but, for sure we are running in the Special Olympics and that gives the autism professionals all the reasons on earth to successfully ignore us. Oh well, that much money pumped into the economic engine of America is not all bad, too bad it is basically just employment for a few well paid folks that have never walked a mile in our shoes or that really care that some spectrum family has a horrible life for the sake of autism they think they understand. Just think of all the studies and insight we have just brought? That ought to make the (Ph.D.) 'piled higher and deeper' parts of autism a little deeper.
Rich Shull,,
From the Web, the autism bill.

`(a) Developmental Disabilities Surveillance and Research Program- To carry out section 399AA, there are authorized to be appropriated the following:
`(1) For fiscal year 2007, $15,000,000.
`(2) For fiscal year 2008, $16,500,000.
`(3) For fiscal year 2009, $18,000,000.
`(4) or fiscal year 2010, $19,500,000.
`(5) For fiscal year 2011, $21,000,000.
(b) Autism Education, Early Detection, and Intervention- To carry out section 399BB, there are authorized to be appropriated the following:
`(1) For fiscal year 2007, $32,000,000.
`(2) For fiscal year 2008, $37,000,000.
`(3) For fiscal year 2009, $42,000,000.
`(4) For fiscal year 2010, $47,000,000.
`(5) For fiscal year 2011, $52,000,000.
(c) Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee; Certain Other Programs- To carry out section 399CC, 409C, and section 404H, there are authorized to be appropriated the following:
`(1) For fiscal year 2007, $100,000,000.
`(2) For fiscal year 2008, $114,500,000.
`(3) For fiscal year 2009, $129,000,000.
`(4) For fiscal year 2010, $143,500,000.
`(5) For fiscal year 2011, $158,000,000.'.

(b) Conforming Amendment- Section 409C of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 284g) is amended by striking subsection (e) (relating to funding).
2d Session
S. 843

Monday, December 04, 2006

Psychosomatic Injuries and Autism.

Psychosomatic Injuries and Autism.

Re thinking Psychosomatic injuries?

I was diagnosed with Psychosomatic types of injuries and when I was diagnosed with autism years ago, psychosomatic injuries were listed among the findings of and intensive several day autism evaluation. Over the years with the discovery of the missing pain tolerance 2-9 of the 10 scale, a lot of the psychosomatic disorder might need some new thoughts. Many other groups besides Autisitcs could suffer from the condition. If my autism theory is correct and autism is the building blocks of the human mind people of all types might not harbor the natural ability to feel pain equally. Older people are sometimes noted for not feeling pain perhaps as their mental ability frails, Men in general "don't feel pain" it is not macho enough and might indicate for some of us pain is not a real factor in our state of being.

It seems like when we build up to proficient picture thoughts of autism that nearly mimic traditional thought; we along the way discover pain is not automatic for us. Lots of us seem to feel the same pain you do but only for a few milliseconds or second and then it disappears into our bodies, no matter how bad it is at times. Unless we are seriously hurt or injured we have no constant pain. Eventually, we know we are hurt and we can feel we are hurt but no one else would believe it. Doctors/nurses/family members press and punch on us and we don't react as expected, if at all. I once had a split in my gut after an injury and only when it could be seen and traced was it NOT considered a psychosomatic injury. Even visible 4 months after the accident (finally) it hurt very little. Today it has 15 staples and a patch. Before surgery I had to draw the wound on my gut and sure enough the surgeon found trouble exactly where I had drawn it.

I once had knee surgery and prior to that I had a very bum knee that could not be bent and it swelled. I had been an avid cyclist and rode too many miles in the wrong gears. (even towing trailers with my bike) The doctor said it was one of the worst knees he had encountered. It finally did hurt quite a bit and I never did take and aspirin. I felt SHARP Pain if I turned it just right or put pressure on it the wrong way but that pain would go away on its own in a few seconds. I eventually figured with all my other injuries as well I really did feel the pain but only for a few seconds at the most. Three days later I walked in the hospital after surgery pain free for a follow up, and the doctor was stunned and I should have been too.

How many Aspies of today get the chance to do real life? How many have ridden 1000s of miles like I have? (we have several touring long-distance bike riders in our anthropology by the way) How many aspies of today missed the curse and experienced real life? Please unite our anthropology and find out what we have discovered.

From the Web,
Somatoform disorders encompass several mental health disorders in which people report physical symptoms or concerns that suggest but are not explained by a physical disorder or report a perceived defect in appearance. These symptoms or concerns cause significant distress or interfere with daily functioning.

Somatoform disorder is a relatively new term for what many people used to refer to as psychosomatic disorder. In somatoform disorders, the physical symptoms cannot be explained by any underlying physical disease. In some cases of somatoform disorders, a physical disease is present that might explain the occurrence but not the severity or duration of the physical symptoms. People with somatoform disorders are not faking illness; they sincerely believe that they have a serious physical problem.
The most commonly diagnosed somatoform disorders are somatization disorder, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, body dysmorphic disorder, and pain disorder (see
Pain: Psychogenic Pain). The individual people who are diagnosed with a somatoform disorder vary greatly. Treatment approaches also vary according to which somatoform disorder a person has.
From Rich quoted from above
"People with somatoform disorders are not faking illness; they sincerely believe that they have a serious physical problem."
(serious humor) See what happens when 'experts' research something and the peer review keeps 'ridiculous ideals' like we have experienced in real life out of the equation?
Search early posts on this blog and see an X-ray of a painless injury.

Rich Shull,,,,

The "best autism book ever" ALAN TURING: The Enigma By Andrew Hodges Simon and Schuster New York. Copyright 1983 Related Item PBS-BBC show entitled Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitmore, based on The Enigma.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


What IF? the autism we have figured out proves to be the building blocks of the human mind? (never in a text book before) What If Autism explains Schizophrenia?

From the Web,
What are the symptoms of schizophrenia?
The symptoms of schizophrenia fall into three broad categories:

Positive symptoms are unusual thoughts or perceptions, including hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, and disorders of movement.

Negative symptoms represent a loss or a decrease in the ability to initiate plans, speak, express emotion, or find pleasure in everyday life. These symptoms are harder to recognize as part of the disorder and can be mistaken for laziness or depression.

Cognitive symptoms (or cognitive deficits) are problems with attention, certain types of memory, and the executive functions that allow us to plan and organize. Cognitive deficits can also be difficult to recognize as part of the disorder but are the most disabling in terms of leading a normal life.

Now add some old autism ideals into the mix? Assuming autism thoughts are the building blocks of the human mind and the normal thought we use is a streamlined version of autism thoughts, things like Schizophrenia and other issues have a wonderful new explanation.

Positive symptoms/Maybe they are not hallucinations at all, but rather simple old picture thoughts the building blocks of the mind. If our theory is right all humans are picture thinkers only traditional people use a very fast honed version of pictures thoughts. If you were able to slow down your thoughts to the one by one process that makes them you would be reduced to picture thoughts. Picture thoughts are like using your daydreams to think with. As for the unusual thoughts they probably match the picture thoughts perfectly. Again research professionals have no idea what picture thoughts are about. Sometimes the slow motion autism picture thoughts indeed hamper physical movement. Sometimes we literally have to look at our selves move via picture thought. WHEN WE HAVE PICTURE THOUGHTS our optic vision is off.

Negative Symptoms/If for some reason we have resorted back to our picture thought process a possible default setting in the human mind, communication meaning translating picture thoughts-brain generated images invisible to the onlooker to words is a special "trick " autistic have learned to do. While traditional populations do it automatically autistic literally see the process in which we take what the brain wants and communicate it. We see the thought process that form words. Just like autistic people are not great at emotions we eventually learn how to deal with them and even give eye contact. Emotions you will find are just shorted and shortcutted loops in the programs of the human mind. If someone becomes schizophrenic they would have to learn how to convert autism picture thoughts to emotions like we have done. Picture thoughts as of this writing 2006 (5757?) in other parts of the world have never been in a text book. I suspect the laziness and depression are just appearances and in reality the results of dealing with picture thoughts in a non picture thinkers world.

Cognitive Symptoms/If for some reason we have resorted backwards and to picture thought and even lost the ability to do traditional thought as if someone flipped a switch in our brains from say traditional thoughts to picture ones all of sudden we could not do a thing. Suddenly even if we did pretty well in traditional thoughts we would be at a total loss, Our picture thoughts might well be there and working BUT how do we get from Picture thoughts invisible to the onlooker to traditional thoughts. If someone had a former successful life as a traditional thinker he-she would suddenly be presented as loony. Growing up autistic, we might have learned just how to think step by step. If a schizophrenic has our picture thought lesions he to might over come "autism" and be able to return to a more traditional life.

Picture thoughts could be considered the base computer code for the brain and Traditional thoughts are like the newest computer system that is stream lined and fast. Humans might well resort BACK to picture thoughts upon injury or trauma and no one has figured out those 'building blocks' of the mind yet. We not only think in slow-motion in a step by step process (why we present as a Savant at times) we also realize that slow-motion thoughts are simply what traditional people think with all the time and call 'normal.'

So much of what we have done Autistically compares to adding layer upon layer to a computer system. If you have top rate computer your set, If you computer is lacking features you might not do as much. Perhaps if you only the ability to present as a calculator and if you had picture thoughts figured out you might present as a super computer. So much of what autism is about will prove to be the very basics of human thought. It might also prove we are not removed all that far from our animal friends. I predict that someday not only will autism prove to be the blueprint of the mind the DNA map of the mind but it will also connect us back to our evolution process.

Rich Shull,,,,

"The world is divided in to three classes of people: a very small group thatmakes things happen, a somewhat larger group that watches things happen, andthe great multitude which never knows what happened."Nicholas Murray ButlerFormer President of Columbia University

1931 Nobel Peace Prize winner